Aaron K. Redshaw

How to get a job in technical writing

White Paper

A friend of mine was part of a startup and asked if I wanted to write a white paper for them. It was a social media startup based on blockchain. I did what anyone new to writing white papers would do. I bought two books on how to write a white paper and got to work. Here is my result. Download the white paper

How to get a job in technical writing

There are two categories of people interested in technical writing. Those who have received a degree or certificate in technical writing, and those who want to make the switch from another career. While you might think those with a degree or certificate have all the advantages in the job market, that is simply not the case. Without experience and a good portfolio, employers will seldom even consider a candidate. Since I recently made the switch into technical writing, I thought Iā€™d pass on what I learned along the way. Continue reading
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